My battle with cancer and why early detection is so important
Hi! I’m Amy Bohn, co-owner of Spa Habitat and Clovertree with my husband, Greg. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to tell you my story. At the end of 2016, at the age of 45, I went in for a routine mammogram because of a family history of breast cancer. The mammogram showed a tumor on my right breast. After a second mammogram, an extensive ultrasound, and a needle biopsy, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, the most aggressive form of breast cancer. We caught it early, but because of the rapid growth of the tumor, the only choice was immediate surgery, followed by 5 months of aggressive chemotherapy and 33 rounds of radiation. My family and friends prayed for me, supported me, held my hand, and took care of my kids. I couldn’t have asked for a better support system.

This is me at my last chemo treatment. I knew I was going to be sick all week (for one last time), but I was so happy to have made it to that last iv infusion. The nurses celebrated and threw confetti and gave me balloons 🙂 Good people…
I know that not every cancer patient has that kind of support. We saw a LOT of cancer patients every week at my treatments. Some were going to be ok, and we knew that some wouldn’t. It was so eye opening to see the number of people and families that were affected by this awful disease – cancer.
Now, a little over a year after finishing treatment, I am cancer free. And I am thankful. And I am blessed.

This is me with my family, about a week before I started my chemotherapy and lost all of my hair. I am blessed to have such a supportive family. They stood by me and encouraged me all the way through the battle.
So much more research needs to be done so that people don’t have to suffer and lose their lives. Cancer is ugly. And going through this experience makes me even more motivated to raise awareness. You can help yourself through a healthy lifestyle, eliminating toxins from your diet and your personal care products, and also through early detection. If you are 40 years old or older, or if you have a family history of breast cancer, PLEASE get a mammogram once a year. It is likely that I would not be here today if I had not been committed to yearly mammograms.
From October 17-31, in honor of my experience with breast cancer and my desire for no one else to have to go through this awful disease, Spa Habitat will be donating 20% of all Clovertree product sales (at any Spa Habitat or online at to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We chose BCRF because they give 91% of donations directly to research, including the environmental causes of breast cancer. Research saves lives. Mammograms save lives. We hope that you will schedule a mammogram for yourself and encourage the women in your lives to do the same.
Much love,
Top 5 Summer Tips for Healthy Living
It’s always fun to play in the summer sun, take a vacation, dig your toes into the sand and lay by the pool. Grill out, play at the dog park or enjoy a nice patio lunch. We could give you 100 tips to enjoy your summer, but today’s focus is on our Top 5 Summer Tips for Healthy Living.
1) Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate – Your body is made of about 50% water. So keep drinking! Toss a little fruit slice in for some added flavor. We currently have a combination of orange, lemon and lime in our Summer Seasonal Water in our spas. Drink up! Your body and skin love the water. You can also hydrate your skin with products rich in anti-oxidants, like our Cocoberry Moisture Mask. Rich in chocolate and berries that pack an anti-oxidant punch, this masque is just what you need too boost elasticity, firm the skin, and deeply hydrate. Healthy skin is hydrated skin.
2) Sunscreen – Always protect your skin and lips with sunscreen. Even on a cloudy day, the suns rays can still penetrate. Burning your skin accelerates the aging process and puts you at a risk for melanoma. So keep your skin healthy and slather on that SPH when you step out into the sun. Tip #2 is really one that helps save you from future damage.
3) Fuel up to Play 60 – Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school nutrition and physical activity program launched by National Dairy Council and NFL, in collaboration with the USDA, to help encourage today’s youth to lead healthier lives. Even though school isn’t in session, be sure your family is eating proper healthy nutrition and getting out and being active at least 60 minutes a day. Balance vegetables and lean proteins with complex carbs. And spend some time together running through the sprinkler to stay cool while being active together.
4) Keep Your Skin Clean – A good face routine is important no matter the time of year, but our skin gets a little more beat up in the summertime. The sun shines year round, but we spend a lot more time soaking it up when the weather is warmer. Wash away the applied and reapplied sunscreen, sweat and daily grime every night before bed. Grab a cleanser like our Deep Cleansing Face Wash. Australian tea tree and Indian lemongrass help balance the natural oils in your skin that get out of whack with extended time in the elements.
5) Take a Mini Vacation – As nice as it would be to run off to Paris when the world seems overwhelming and you’re more of a bus driver than a parent, it’s much more reasonable to take a mini vacation to reset and focus on you. You can’t take care of everyone else if you feel empty, so take care of you too. Try our Rainforest Body Wrap for a deeply relaxing, skin soothing hour. Or try our new Lavender Blueberry Foot Ritual with a hot stone foot massage. Whatever you choose, do something for you.
Summer is a great time for family, fun, sun, trips, relaxing and all-around enjoying life. But be sure you stay healthy and look out for your family and yourself.
Broiled Grapefruit – Ingredient of the Week
Every few weeks we feature a new product ingredient in our Clovertree Social Media pages. This week was grapefruit and it might be my absolute favorite ingredient so far. For one reason, I’m obsessed with our Superfruit Exfoliating Toner, which includes and smells like grapefruit. But mainly because in researching the ingredient, I found something new and amazing: Broiled Grapefruit.
Originally inspired from an Instagram post from @sayyestothefreshh, who was sharing the original post from @thecuttingveg, I decided to go on a hunt for the best recipe out there. And I think I found it. Clean, low sugar and from the queen herself: Martha.
Check out this Martha Stewart recipe below:
Ingredients: One Grapefruit, Two Tablespoons Brown Sugar
Cut Grapefruit in half. Turn Broiler on. Evenly sprinkle 1 tablespoon of brown sugar on each grapefruit half and place under the broiler for 4 minutes. Serve.
An Esthetician’s Favorite – Organic Facials
Featured Service: Botanical Buff Microdermabrasion Facial
Featured Product: Cape Jasmine Youth Serum
Featured Esthetician: Allie from Spa Habitat Legacy
We believe the best way to learn about our services is from the people that perform them. We have a number of organic facials, body wraps, hand and foot treatments and, of course, massages to choose from. It would be fabulous to go down the menu and try every single one of them and we obviously encourage that method. But to save you time, we turned to Allie, an esthetician in our Spa Habitat Shops at Legacy location in Plano. We asked what is her favorite service to perform and her favorite product in the Clovertree collection?
“My favorite service to perform is hands down our Botanical Buff. This is an organic facial, just like all of our services. But this one is a microderm treatment, which is a form of mechanical exfoliation that can be used to manage various skin concerns such as hyper-pigmentation, melasma, fine lines and wrinkles, textured skin, clogged pores, etc. It helps to increase circulation, cellular turnover rate and the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. The Botanical Buff incorporates our outstanding organic Clovertree products into a results-driven facial.
This is one my clients truly see results with, especially when they come in monthly. This facial isn’t for every skin type so I always suggest a thorough consultation with your esthetician. As for product, I typically incorporate our Cape Jasmine Youth Serum into this facial because it lifts and firms the skin as well as deeply hydrates. I like to call it my “liquid Botox”! So if you are interested in aging gracefully and naturally, definitely come by and check out this facial!!!”
Thanks, Allie!
PS – I’m heading to pick up some “liquid Botox” tomorrow!
Welcome to Our Relaxing Farmhouse
I absolutely love the Apothecary at our newest Dallas spa location in Preston Hollow. It feels like you have walked right out of Dallas and into a relaxing and serene farmhouse where all your troubles are miles away and you can sit back and be still. All of the Clovertree Apothecary products are beautiful by themselves, but the furniture is also all reclaimed and vintage. If there was a rocking chair in the corner with a glass of southern sweet tea, I’d never leave.
It is absolutely worth the visit. Call our Preston Royal location and book an appointment (214.361.7787) or Book Online. You can find all of our locations online here. Walk in, take a deep breathe and enjoy our relaxing farmhouse.